
What is Cluster?


It is a polite way of saying Cluster Fuck when you can't say Fuck. Mostly used in normal speech in front of parents, small children, clergy or PC co-workers.

"Oh man, that 17 car pile up on the Beltway was a huge Cluster. I had no idea when or if I was going to get out of it alive."


a crowd cuaght in a confined space

toss a grenade into that cluster!

See crowd, group, team, swarm, squad


It is a polite way of saying Cluster Fuck when you can't say Fuck. Mostly used in normal speech in front of parents, small children, clergy or PC co-workers.

"Oh man, that 17 car pile up on the Beltway was a huge Cluster. I had no idea when or if I was going to get out of it alive."


A raw, mark-ass trick who runs amok.

Dude, ur such a cluster.

I just called U that 5 minutes ago...

See mark, trick, raw, amok, lame


Disorganization; chaos; illogical.

Traffic was a cluster during rush hour.


A series of small events or actions.

Taken from Australian cricket commentary, refering to the grouping of where each ball lands on the pitch during an over.

Good cluster Warnie!

Dave:"I tripped over, stubbed my toe and spilt my beer."

Mark:"That's a bad cluster. You're gonna have a bad time."

See cricket, australia, spillage


a group of specimens gathering together (possibly in an orgy-fashion)


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