
What is Clydebuilt?


Term Once applied Meaning 'Quality', refers to the once thriving Shipbuilding industry on the River ClydeIn ScotlandGreenockClydebankGlasgowwhere home to most of the Clyde Shipyards

Had the Titanicbeen Clydebuilt it would still be afloat!

''I thought it was built in Ireland?''

Yea! nuff said!

See clyde, greenock, clydebuilt


This proves the motto "If it's not Scottish then it's Crap"

The most reliable and best built ships on the Planet.

Clydebuilt was like a Trademark then in the early 80's Darth Thatcher and her Tory boot boys almost totally destroyed them all

See glasgow, clydebank, greenock


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