
What is Cmb?





BG used to say watch out for CMB

See cash, money, cmb, lil wayne


means comment(me)back. often used on xanga.

-hey jessica! just leaving u a comment. well i g2g. cmb

See xanga, comment, back, me, myspace


Often used as "comment me back" or "Check my bucket" when referring to your photobucket.

"Hey haven't talked to you in a while. CMB and let me know whats going on."


"CMB and you'll see the pictures we took from our vacation"

See photobucket, myspace, beckett, xanga, facebook


French word, it means "comme ma bitte" (like my dick)

"c'est enorme" (it's enormous)

"cmb" (like my dick)

See cmb, bitte, dick, irc


Cry more B*tch-gaming term used to taunt other players who frequently cry

player A- thats not fair, i didnt have a chance to say ready

player B- LOLOLOL CMB?

See cry, more, bitch, cmb, cnb


Colombo..The capital city of Srilanka

Thats wat da way v do CMB babe,,,

Neva collapse..


Child in Man's Body; The proposed third tier of a video game rating system on the Daily Show.

First: D for Dropout

Second: W for Wasteoid

Third: CMB for Child in Man's Body

See jon stewart, daily show, child, man, body


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