
What is Cmi?


short for cannot make it, a favourite phrase used in Singapore to describe someone's inferior attributes , usually appearance.

the girl you intro to me cmi leh!

See Marcus


Cannot Make It. Used by Singaporeans usually in games.

E.g Warcraft III The Frozen Throne and Maple Story S.E.A

Boy 1: He CMI liao lah, so noob and he still want go zak.

Boy 2: Yah lo ... He himself know he CMI still want like that.

See cmi, singlish



Several variations:

CMI = Cannot make it

CMI = Count Me In

CMI = Chronic Masturbatory Illness

1. Alex: Sorry man, I want to go to the movies, but I CMI

2. Random Guy: Yeah, that'd be kickass! CMI!

3. A need to excessively masturbate. AKA, Wanko-holic.

See acronym, wanker, count, me, in, cannot, can't, make, it


An internet abbreviation for Count Me In

Hey, that's a nice offer - cmi!

See cmi


Computers, Math, and the Internet. A Full Sail lecture class that teaches you everything you already knew about computers, math, and the internet

Man, I gotta CMI lecture and lab starting at 0100 hours and its over motherboards! Damn this sux! I better start drinking some BAWLS}!


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