
What is Cmp?


Abbreviation of "Cream/ed My Panties." Often a girls reaction to a very hot guy.

"OMG, Paul Walker makes me CMP."

"I totally just CMP."

See excited


Abbreviation of "Cream/ed My Panties." Often a girls reaction to a very hot guy.

"OMG, Paul Walker makes me CMP."

"I totally just CMP."

See excited


Abbreviation for the Civilian Marksmanship Program. A semi-private company that sells US military surplus rifles, namely M1903 Springfields, M1 Garand semiautomatics, and M1 Carbine semiautomatics to members of approved shooting clubs.

Mike just got his rack-grade Garand from the CMP today. It looks rough but shoots great.

See rifle, firearms


See my profile

"Haven't seen you around, so when did you join the forum?"


See forum, see, profile, check, lazy


This is the Codemaster-Project

We are a Group that are here to help.. ppl within the Game hacking Scene.

Herman: dude i found a faq at the CMP to hack codes .

sherman: realy give me the link


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