
What is Cn?


CyberNations- Online nation simulation game of over 40,000 players. Involves management of Infrastructure, Technology, Military, Trade agreements and much more.

Dude, been playing CN lately? You look exhausted.

Aw crap, my CyberNation just lost a trade...

See cn, cybernations, simulation


A short version for seen

"I was at my yard that day"



Stands for "Canadian National" (canada's subway system) the tallest freestanding tower in the world is named after it, its called the CN Tower

I rode the CN from downtown Toronto to my condo on the west side.

See Bronx Bomber


Chem symbol for cyanide

You can get away with murder from taking CN pills- all it costs is some cash and your life.


acr. 1. Cartoon Network; 2. Clueless Newbie; 3. Cellulose Nitrate

1. The only things worth watching on CN is Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, Pinky and the Brain and 70-80% of Adult Swim (depends what they are showing).

2. "OMFG you CN!1"

3. The explosives had some CN in 'em.


abbreviation for "Canadian National" a subway which u can get on at 1 AM and not have to worry about getting mugged, criticized, stabbed, or anal raped

I rode the CN subway system in toronto at 1 AM and came out just as healthy an sane as when i went in

See canada, toronto, subway, ontario


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