
What is Cnb?


short for cocked n blown. someone or something that is messed up

"see that downs guy over there?"

"yeah he's totally cnb"

See pincing, oranges, peedo, pacman, devilfish


Cock N Balls

originated by the ballers at WHS

get outta my face u little CnB

See Beneric


Acronym for "Cast & Blast," an outing where you take a carpetbagging Yankee co-worker, who has neither shot a gun nor been deep sea ocean fishing, to do both. Preferably, you take said Yankee to a destination frequented by southern rednecks, such as Panama City Beach, Homosassa, or Myrtle Beach. If the Yank is not humiliated and sufficiently Southernized by this experience, you quit your job within the following twelve months and refuse to work with him ever again. If he is sufficiently Southernized, you still quit your job because no one wants to work with Yankees, but you repeat the trip annually.

Habsul: "That carpetbagging Yank Kazack is terrible and ridiculous. He came in the other day, and I immediately got a huge douche bump."

Bling: "I agree. Let's take him to PCB on a CNB and see if we can Southernize him. I'll bring the chach."

Kazack: "A CNB? Are you serious? Let me get my gel and I am there. Should be wicked fun."

See kmad, lifer, chach


CnB is actually a character thought up on the bus my friend and I in 8th grade. His Body is two balls (for his feet) and the shaft and head make up the rest. He is often smiling, and always flipping the bird.

Damn...Mr.CnB would kick pikachu's ass.


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