What is Coachella?
An indie music festival held anually, usually in the Spring, in Indio Valley, California. Bands present have included Radiohead, The Pixies, Coldplay, Weezer, Rilo Kiley, Bright Eyes, The Cure, The Arcade Fire, Wilco, The Futureheads, The Faint, Snowpatrol, The Fiery Furnaces, etc.
I'm so excited for Coachella! The line-up this year is great.
An indie music festival held anually during Spring in Indio (Coachella Valley), California. Bands present have included Radiohead, The Pixies, Coldplay, Weezer, Rilo Kiley, Bright Eyes, The Cure, The Arcade Fire, Wilco, The Futureheads, The Faint, Snowpatrol, The Fiery Furnaces, Yeah Yeah Yeah, MIA, Atmophere, Slightly Stoopid, etc.
Coachella was sickk this year... it sucks that I have to wait a whole 'nother year to go again though.
An indie music festival held annually, generally around Easter, in the Coachella Valley. Three days and nights of weed and music.
Dude! I can't wait for Coachella this year!