
What is Coalville?


A small town in Leicestershire, England, notable for it's high levels of retardation due to incest.

You don't want to go to Coalville, mate, They're a bunch of nasty, ignorant dipshits there.

See useless, incest, thick, ignorant, bastards, dipshit, fuckwit


Town in North West Leicestershire inhabited by 'Coalvillans'.

Famous for mining when you were allowed to do that, now the home of every charity shop known to man and a pish poor market. The only Cinema (The Rex) was closed down over 20 years ago.

Inhabitants often wander around in a zombie like state wearing the traditional costume of saggy leggings and an oversized T-shirt with several days dinner noticable.

Avoid benefits day at the post office as this leads to an influx of visitors from the nearby Agar-Nook and Greenhill estates - not pleasent inbreds and drug dealers.

Ay Up Me Duck, I'm from Co'ville (Coalville).

See shitehole, lester


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