
What is Coaster?


1) A unusable Compact Disc which failed during a "burn" process, its only use is now a COASTER

2) A witty and highly attractive person

See Me


Any disc recieved from America Online that contains its product. Since using the programs represents a net inefficiency for your time, it is better to use them as coasters that you can set your drinks on, lest you damage a wood or other valuable surface.

I got so many AOL 9.0 coasters last month, I glued them to my ceiling and now it's shiny, disco-style.


A poser who rides his fixed gear on the freewheel and coasts rather than riding the fixed gear. Does it for the trendiness of the fixed gear rather than the function and purpose of the fixed gear.

"That guy wasn't pedaling when he went down the hill on his fixed gear, he is such a coaster."

See fixie, poser, fixed gear, cog, single speed


Anything put under a cold drink to avoid rings of mist on the table.

I'll have a scotch on the rocks with a twist, and a coaster.

See drink, mist, malt, beverage, cold


A girl who has a tatoo (generally circular) on her lower back. It's a coaster for the guy to set his beer on when doing her doggy-style.

"Check out that coaster."

See Laura


A girl that won't let you have sex with her (won't let you get the wood wet).

1) I'm not paying for your meal tonight because you're a fucking coaster.

2) E: I heard Vincy fucked Amanda after the party the other night.

J: No fucking way. That girl is a coaster.

See no sex, prude, puritan, tramp, tease, skank, whore, hoe, chastity, virgin


See CDR/W or DVDR/W. Burning useless files to a disc, such as Windows, whereas the disc becomes worthless.

1: Dood, I burned a backup of Windows on a CDR yesterday! I'll try to use it to install Windows tomorrow!

2: Dood, you made coasters.

See cd, cdr


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