Cock Blocked

What is Cock Blocked?


Preventing a fellow male from tapping ass when hes going down the stretch. A man can cock block inadvertently but it is often done out of jealousy or asshole-ism.

"That loser couldn't get a chick for himself so he decided to hang around like a third wheel and cock blocked me instead."


1) The prevention of a potential hook-up. Either done by a jealous friend/douschebag, or by an overprotective friend (Mother Hen) of the girl involved in potential hook up. (see game killer.

2) The act of "cutting" at a 4-way stop sign and "cock-blocking" someone who has waited thier turn at a stop sign.

1) Guy 1: I'd really like to see you again.

Girl 1: I don't have to go home tonight.

Guy 2: Hey Carl, remember that time you shit yourself?

Girl 1: Ummm... I have somewhere to be...

2) This dumbass in a drivers ed car just cock blocked me at the stop sign. So I tailgated the fucker till he ran of the road, it was my turn at the stop sign, he needs to learn his place.

See game killer, cock block, tea bag, douschebag


1) To be cock blocked is when someone prevents you of hanging or talking to a girl of interest.

Cock block can happen when you are already talking to a girl(or guy) of interest alone and someone comes up and starts to talk and hang out with you.

2) Cock block can also happen litterly, when someone prevents you from having sexual intercourse with a female of interest.

1) Moose and Kayleigh were hanging out together and Damion cock blocked Matt.

2) Matt and Kaitlyn were about to have sexual intercourse when some drunk walked into the room and cock blocked Matt.

See cock block, cock blocked, sexual intercourse, cock, block


1)When a girl's friend gets in the way of you making move on a said girl

2)When a jealous ex gets in the way of you hooking up with thier ex-girlfriend.

3)When some one accidentally gets in the way of you and a hot chick.

4)When a family member gets in the way of you and a hot woman.

5) Something complete asses do because they are jealous or just hate you.

1) man#1.Dude so we where hanging out and stuff and her friend Taylor came up and talked to her the whole time it was a huge cock block.

man#2.Ouch man that sucks.

2)man#1.So we were talking at the party and out of now where Kevin her ex boyfriend from a month ago cock blocked me.

man#2. Ouch man that sucks.

3)man#1. Dude last night i was talking to this hottie and my homie walked up and started talking to me, and i couldn't do anything cause he is my dog and he didn't mean to cock block me.

man#2.Ouch man that sucks.

4)man#1. Dude last night I got cock blocked by my grandmother!

man#2. HAHAHAHAHAHA thats hilarious, your grand mother? hahaha ouch man that, thats hillarious!

5)man#1. Dude last night I was going to get laid and some complete ass walked up and cocked blocked me, If I ever see that ass hole again I'm going to kick his ass.

man#2 Ouch man that sucks.

See ass, sex, cock blocker, cunt, fuck, bitch, shit face, ass hole, fucker, mother fucker, ex boyfriend, jealous, friend, idiot, grandma


When a lame friend won't let a good looking guy hang out with her friend

I wanted to talk to the hot friend, but her lame friend cock blocked me and told me that they were leaving.

See cock, block, hot, friend, social, guy


when you're talking up a bitch and a male friend of hers or yours comes into the conversation.

I was just about to close the deal with her and some Dick comes over and cock blocked me.

See c blocked, cock blocker


Preventing some unsuspecting moron from getting laid one night, or possible ever.

A kid walking with some chick in a parking lot gets soda thrown all over him by people driving by in a car. Therefore, he isn't getting any of that pussy that night. Or ever.

See Big Boss


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