Cock Blocker

What is Cock Blocker?


A person (male or female) who intentionally or unintentionally stops the progress of two others getting their game on.

The dude and some fine-ass woman were gettin' their game on when KGB showed up fucked up and put his arms around them. He didn't even know he was being a cock blocker


An insecure asshole who does not have the balls to open a conversation with a woman, but will not hesitate to butt into any interaction already in progress. They will then proceed in destroying any chance of a hook-up. Most times, what they refer to as "their game" is so poor that not only do they fuck up YOUR prospects they end up scaring away the "prey" to another table or "Lance Goodthrust" at the other end of the bar. They are the most effective birth control device known to mankind. Stay away from these people or become a monk where you'll have just as much opportunity for getting some pussy.

You're talking to a hottie that you've managed to cut away from her heard. You're just about to "close the deal" with a number or invite to a more secluded place ie. your car, when "CB" shows up and hangs over you both like a plague from God or bad breath or herpes. The conversation, which had been flowing with magical bullshit, becomes strained and uncomfortable. She mentions that "it's getting late" as she eyes the safety of the heard. Her departure is followed by, "She was a bitch anyway!" from the asshole who's just ruined it for you. You supress the urge to punch him in the liver, move to another part of the bar where you start again in the hopes that he cannot find you. For surely he is the Devil.


used to describe someone who will do all they can to stop a man from hooking up with a girl

(could be referred to homosexuals also)

Man, I could of hooked up with that hot girl I was talking to tonight but my ex was all over me. She's such a cock blocker!


A perosn male or female who intentionaly or unentenionally disrupts

(block) somebody from spittin game, getting someones number,or hooking up.

A.K.A. an annoying ass friend

1.) you could be at a bar talking to the best looking girl in the joint, and this girl might be all about you too, but then your drunk buddy who happens to be a blocker rolls up on the scene and starts falling all over the place, making you look like an asshole and scaring her away. That's a cock blocker.

2.) you might be in a bedroom with a girl about to get a piece and then all of the sudden, your buddy starts banging away at the door for no reason. He just wants to figure out a way for it be as hard as possible for you to get some. That's a cock blocker

examples courtesy of TwanDiggity


when the male is prevented from getting punani due to a third wheel

Meg and Sean was about to get freaky till Missys cock blcoking ass jumped in

See monet


a person who causes another person to not get some

Gosh he was about to get some but his ex-girlfriend Rachel is such a cock-blocker

See Bam Bam


Insecure male that horns in on any developing interaction another male has established with a female, an extremely embarrassing and pathetic event to watch. Cock blockers can also be a "cow herd" of "fuglies" around an attractive female they desperately cling to for a false sense of enhanced social status.

Despite Randy being a horrible cock blocker, Sarah still slipped Matt her phone number just before her cow herd enveloped her once again.

See fugly, cock block, clubber


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