Cock Donkey

What is Cock Donkey?


A Guy or Girl that has to has to have as many men as possible and cant commit to one man. The (cock) being the man and the (donkey) being the Guy or Girl that needs to carry the heavy load of all the men. Cock Donkeys ) meaning more then one

One can only wonder if being a cock donkey is a good thing.


1. Someone who is overall annoying/ exhibits chode like qualities

2. Can be used to describe a whore, the reference being that s/he is a packmule for cocks

3. An insult on Halo 2's X-Box Live service

1. God, Bill is such a cock donkey. He keeps singing that retarded song.

2. What a cock donkey, I mean, look at her. She was the 'life' of the party.

3. Quit team killing you fucking cock donkey!

See cock, donkey, whore, chode, slut


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