Cock Jockey

What is Cock Jockey?


Someone who bounces up and down on a penis with similar enthusiasm of that of a jockey riding a horse. Usually used to describe a homosexual male.

No you can't fuck me vigorously in the ass, What do you think I am some kinda cock-jockey.


Used to describe a male who is inclined to ride another males sexual organ.


A female who loves the cock and almost always rides on top during sex.

Man that chick is such a cock jockey. She sleeps with everyone.


A gay man, is often an alcoholic.

"Caleb Berger is a cock jockey"

See cock, jockey, caleb, alcoholic, G8


1:A man who rides other mens cocks- imitating the motions of a jockey.

2:A giant cock who competes in horse racing

Robert Fryar and Simon Cheng are cock jockeys.

See ?


One who rides a cock like a jockey rides a horse. Usually used between teenage males to signify being a dick, a dumbass,or to let someone know that they're acting faggy.

Man, that Joe is a real cock jockey! I asked him if a could borrow five bucks and he called me a douche and walked off. Must be that time of the month!


Did you see Caitlin today? What a cock jockey! I wouldn't mind puttin' one through her!

See faggot, queer, dumbass, jerk, slut


A homosexual who enjoys the art or riding a dick like a jockey rides a horse

I wonder who's going home with that cock jockey for some late night action.

See homosexual, bone smuggler, terd burglar, fag


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