Cock Monkey

What is Cock Monkey?


See also: prick, dick, twat, arse monkey, cock meister, cock gobbler.

An idiot of immense proportion, usually amazingly arrogant and annoying.

Also used affectionately.

Insult: (Spills your pint while dancing like a epileptic making toast in the bath) "You fookin' cock monkey!"

Affec: (You best mate shows you a polaroid of him teabagging you) "Aahhh, yah cock monkey!"


One who swings from cock to cock like a monkey swings from branch to branch.

Jason sprayed me again with an upside-down can of compressed air...what a cock monkey.;


As a professional porn "star", I felt the need to add to this:

"Cock monkey" is a variant for male porn star/ legal professional male whore. It addresses the mechanical aspects of prolonged sex for commercial entertainment purposes, in multiple positions and in camera friendly ways which are different than sex in a private setting.

A guy fucking for a living on camera is a cock monkey or porn star, or both, depending on how you look at it.

If, as a porn star, some other dude director is telling you when to get your dick up and when and where to shoot your wad then that makes you a cock monkey. If the director is telling you to raise your ass higher so he can see you fucking the chick doggie style from underneath, that makes you a cock monkey.

You may also consider yourself a porn star at the same time. Being a porn star requires charisma, fame, talent and ego.

Being a cock monkey requires having a dick and being able to perform the most basic duties on command like getting an erection and ejaculating within a small window of time.

No P.h.d. required.

"There sure were a lot of cock monkeys in that gang bang. I could barely see the chick at all with all the dudes surrounding her"

That guy's not a porn star, he's just a cock monkey. He does low paying porn jobs like bukkakes and load dumps after the girl fucks some other guy.

See meat puppet, nut buster, porn whore


someone who loves to fuck, suck, and ride cock; acting in a way as to be a complete idiot

she acts like a cock monkey around me


Stupid drivers who cut you off, fail to use a turn signal, go 20 miles under the speed limit, and/or go 20 miles over the speed limit. Then they give you dirty looks and/or yell at you like it was your fault they were born a natural moron.

These Texas drivers are a bunch of cock monkeys.

That cock monkey cut me off at Division St. then flipped me off.

See stupid, drivers, texan, dumbass, prick


A girl who goes from guy to guy, whether in a relationship or just random sex, just for the cock,like a monkey would go from branch to branch on a tree.

" Rachel is such a cock monkey! She had 2 guys last night and I just seen another one come out this morning!"

See cock, monkey, girl, guys, tree


A girl who loves cock and likes to play with or on cocks like monkeys do on trees.

Guy 1:Yo! DMB that one girl, Summer is a cock monkey.

Guy 2:Hell yeah, she loves to play on cocks like monkeys on trees.

Guy 1:Tru Dat homie

See cock, monkey, tree, play, homie


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