Cock Monster

What is Cock Monster?


(Noun) A whore that craves the cock. She loves to rub it, suck it, and feel it in her. Also loves the feel of your jizz on her bare skin.

Dude, look at that rare corn fed cum guzzeling, dumpster diving North Easter NC variety of the cock monster. She loves the wang.


1. Another form of a cock block where the person cock blocking not only prevents you from getting some, but also has sex with the person you were trying to score.

Wanna go out?

No, Id rather go back to my place and have sex with your cock monster friend.

See cock, block, monster, sex, score


Extremely large monster (usually black) closely resembling the form of a male penis.. Normally residing in residential swimming pools and bathrooms... rises from dormant state when provoked by habitual line stepping hos and blue balls.

Rudely awakened from his slumber, the dark skinned COCK MONSTER, growled as she put her cloths back on!!!

See one eyed monster, limp dick


Someone that is so cocky and thinks they are so great, but cocky just doesn't cut it. They are a monster.

That guy think's he's so great, he's such a Cock Monster.

See cocky, know it all, ass clown, jerk, wise guy


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