Cock Of The School

What is Cock Of The School?


The best fighter out of all the students

Cant think of one


1. someone who thinks wayyyy too much of themselves and thinks that they are really popular...when everyone really knows theyre a whore...

2.the hardest lad in the school (usually a chav) that will go round beating people up for the sake of it cos he knows he can...

3.a person who will look down on anyone who isnt with the in-crowd and treat them like shit...

4. Ragena George of the movie "mean girls" is the perfect cock of the school.

Cock of the school: wow everyone loves me!!cos I'm so beautiful and popularand i was the first to lose my virginity!!!

Best friend: yeah everyone loves you!!(thinking: why can I be you!!)

(meanewhile a outcasted punk/emo walks past)

girl: (mutters to herself): u fuckin likes you...(rolls eyes)

See popular, wellard, bully


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