Cock Pox

What is Cock Pox?


An amusing slang term for any of a number of venereal diseases. While the word is most commonly used in reference to gonorrhea and chlamydia, it can describe any STD other than HIV/AIDS. Also known as knob rot, crotch rot, and galloping knob rot. Extreme cases may be classified as Rampant Galloping Cock Rot.

That dirty ho gave me the cock pox!


Slang for Herpes. This is used when a friend that never had chicken pox thinks he's finally caught them. He is wrong. CHICKEN Pox are everywhere. Cock Pox, well...

'Yeah, Sean, I have chicken pox, I'm Home and very itchy!"

"But Rob, your Twenty?! Oh... You've got Cock Pox haven't you?"

"Good show, mate, Good Show indeed."

See herpes, std, venereal disease, cock


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