Cock Ramming

What is Cock Ramming?


The process of "ramming", as in shoving very hard, the male cock into the female vagina. Also known as a "hard fuck". The objective is to "ram" the full length of the cock into the vagina in one thrust - which is of course repeated over and over again - up to the male testicles (also known as ball-slapping) as hard as possible. Cock ramming is enjoyed my most females, especially by those that want to be fucked to death in the heat of passion. Excessive cck ramming can cause brusing of the outter lips of the gentitila and if the female is not wet enough for cock ramming it can cause tears on the cock.

Bob is the best cock ramming fuck I have ever had.

He was cock ramming me so hard my head banged against the head board.

See fucking, cock, pussy, screwing, intercourse


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