Cock Salad

What is Cock Salad?



1. An extremely annoying, stupid, or rude person. One who lacks tact.

2. Someone who assumes he or she is better than everyone else at everything, even if he or she has never attempted said thing before.

3. An arrogant douchebag.


<Guy 1> That guy had about the least tact out of anyone I've ever met.

<Guy 2> Yeah, he's a frickin' cock salad.


<Dude 1> I bet I could beat you at that racing game.

<Dude 2> I own a copy of the game, and you've never even played it before!

<Dude 1> Yeah, but you know how I love cars.

<Dude 2> You're a frickin' cock salad.



Likely statements one might hear from a cock salad:

-If we play chess, we both know who'd win.

-Yeah, you're good at your fills on the drums, but your beats just aren't that great.

-I'm going to kill everyone in this game {even though I've never played}. You know how good I am with sniper rifles.

-So what? I could do that.

Trademark comment cock salads use: {In arrogance:} "Come on. You know me."

See douchebag, prick, arrogant, annoying, lame


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