Cock Smore Crew

What is Cock Smore Crew?


Cock Smore Crew (CSC)

Created in Milwaukee, WI on July 15, 2009. It consists of five members, three males and two females (names witheld for safety reasons). All extremely intelligent with little to no patience for Ignorant people!! The mission of the CockSmore Crew (CSC) is to pop bottles in VIP while remaining the freshest crew in the club. For drunk or drunker with no man left behind! At all times the CSC members vow to let ignorant people know they are Cocksmores with the hopes of ridding their own personal space of such people! You will know when you are in the presence of a CSC member if you hear someone shout out COCKSMORE in a tourette syndrome like manner. Approach with extreme caution and put on your smart cap!

Examples of using Cocksmores by the VP of the Cock Smore Crew (CSC)

Did he really jus go back in the club carrying my shoes???? COCKSMORE!

Heyyyy DJ I gotta a request... No?? Ok how bout a suggestion... oh you are jus gonna roll your eyes at me??? COCKSMORE!!!!

Bitch what you mean he gotta pay to get back in the club??? He popped more bottles in here 2night than the rest of the club put 2gether!!!! COCKSMORE!!!!!

oh You MF dont wanna give a girl the password to the Safehouse????? COCKSMORES!!

See smore, milwaukee, csc, crew


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