Cock Stain

What is Cock Stain?


Stain from ones penis, what you'd find on a single males' bed sheets. Used to belittle and offend other males.

Get outa my face you little cock stain before I bitch slap your ass!!!!

See ejaculation, jizz


Some freaky arse white shit.

"Whats a cock stain?"

"some freaky arse white shit, those white boys get those white girls to do anything, you wanna do a cock stain?"

"Hell No!"

See white, arse, cock, stain, girls


1. when there is a man with an erection infront of you and masterbaits until he cums all over your t-shirt and you walk around with a white stain.

2.when a man with an erection masterbaits and cums in a glass then splashes it all over you

1.did you see carol at the party last night? she had a cock stain

2. run he's gunna give us a cock stain!

See cock, stain, cum, masterbait, glass


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