
What is Cockbag?


A word used describe someone who acts in a manner that causes that person to appear to have the personality of hairy, sweaty beanbag.

That guy Rusty? What a cockbag! He probably buys gimmick golf clubs...cockbag!


A. A superb word to describe anything and everything that you dont like.

B. A Ball Sack. (Synonym: A Hairy Bean Bag.)

Your all a bunch of f$$king cockbags!!!


Generally speaking, a "cockbag" is a reference to a plastic recepticle other than a condom or grocery bag used to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

May refer to a bag-like structure used to house male genitals.

Can also be used as a derogatory term to psychologically harm another person.

1) When I was engaging in sexual intercourse with your mother, my cockbag busted and my seed spilled into her bat cave.

2) You are a cockbag, you bitch ass nigga.

See cum dumpster, grocery bag, magnum


A bag of cocks, a leather bag

Tristan: What is a cockbag?

Hudson: A bag of cocks, a leather bag.

See cock, shitbag, fuckass, douchbag, dickbag


A word screamed before running enemies over in call of duty 3. Used to instill fear into all opponents.


see Uber Pwn3ge

See cockbag, vaginahead, scrotum


A flimsy female who is considerably easy to put your dick in.

A Cockbag is a girl who will let any guy in her.

"Oh dude! that girl is such a Cockbag! any guy can stick it in her....u don't even have to buy her a drink!"

"Cockbags....for guys who don't get any"

See girl, women, woman, slut, hoe, whore, cockbag, cock, bag


Someone who is cocky, arrogant, conceited, a little flimsy, and kinda dumb but who also carries around a big dick. Also known as a BDB. See also BDB.

You have no clue what you are saying, you cockbag. Quit saying the word "brah", you cockbag.

See bdb, cocky, arrogant, conceited, dickwad


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