
What is Cockbite?


According to members of the Red Army, all members of the Blue Army are cockbites. According to members of the Blue Army, all members of the Red Army are cockbites.

"Youuu cockbite!" - Pvt. Dick Simmons


the genetic combination of a rooster and false teeth

number one... that is offensive and....... i am not a cockbite...

See Mung


the word used on the best web site ever that is said to describe an asshole, dickhead, idiot, n00b, or any other stupid person

That O'mally guy is such a cockbite.

Don't be a cockbite, join Blue Army


One who bites the big one; eats the weenie; puffs on the white owl; or other wise sucks. Sucks being the key concept, and the concept/word play, for it is both suck as in to apply suction to something (man meat for example), and also suck as in rots, stinks, is being an asshole, etc. Often said in a competitive, shiat talkin' situation such as playing FPS games. Can be used synonymously with asshole, but implies a certain pussy-ish quality to the assholes behavior.

"Stop pouring salt in my beer cockbite."


"Ok, cockbites, who put the cat in the microwave?"


1. A person, place, or thing that is painfully annoying.

2. When teeth are painfully used on or around the penis.

3. Any person who does NOT understand this word.

4. Your rivals.

1. That Cockbite, he knew I was trying to get in that lane.

2. Man that bouncer just graduated from ass clown to a cockbite.

3. I hate trying to hold a decent conversation with that cockbite, she never gets it.

See cock, bite, annoying, stupid, asshole, dummy, ass, punk, bitch, ass clown, nut job


A complete loser, waste of life.

What a fucking cockbite.


AKA. (Cocknip)The act getting frost bit on one's cock. Usually as a result of a good game of drunkin "cock dip in the icebox" or a stopwatch malfunction.

Ex. 1 - Dude, I gotta bad case of cockbite from sticking my dick in the icebox last night.

Ex. 2 - Jack Frost was really nippin at my cock last night, what a fag!

Ex. 3 - Sadly Grandpa can no longer use his cock because of that tragic snowstorm in '78, we got about 2’ 3” of snow, that we did.

See frostbite, cock sock, nippy, drinking games


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