
What is Cockboy?


a boy or man who is in love with cock.

hey cockboy, i heard you take it in the ass.

See cunthound


an insult used in the movie "Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle" when Roldy is telling off those two douchebags at the end.

"This guy thinks I'm not quick enough, well I got news for you, I AM quick enough........ COCKBOY!" (douchebag guy trying to come up with an comeback after Harold calls him cockboy)

See harold, kumar, weed, pot


A guy who loves cock and thinks of it every waking second.

That cockboy Paul kept talking about penises at the party yesterday.

See cock, penis lover


n - A guy who's a dick on purpose; a cocky motherfucker who thinks his shit smells like fresh roses every day of the week; someone you don't like.

"Hey man why aren't you inviting Parks to the lake with us?"

"Because that cockboy won't ride behind anything but his X-STAR."


a boy or man who would do anything just to get his cock sucked

" Dude Wes is such a cockboy, he;d ride his bike all the way to another state to get some pussy"

See wes, fuck, catie, boys, zach


someone who "loves the cock"

"dude have you seen jared lately? he is turning into such a cockboy!"

yeah i know, he must have picked that up from his old boss dave!

See gay, queer, r-tard, idiot, homo, fudge packer


1) One who desires the cock and likes being dominated by intimidating figures such as "El Toro," who is envied for the amount of men he has had sexual intercourse with

2) A Princeton student who uses "Oh Hell..." frequently when giving directions to Hoagie Haven

Where ya goin with that bicycle? ... cockboy!

I wish one day I could be just like you ... ya cockboy...

(To Dom) Hey Cockboy!

Hey Varun Wanna come play Madden with the guys? ... Just kiddin ya freakin cockboy!

See cock, boy, varun, dom


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