
What is Cockbump?


how two men who are secure with their sexuality highfive.

however, cockbumping two times or more consecutively is gay.

And protection is required for cockbumping a black guy.

Brad Pitt: "Hey antonio *cockbump*"

Antonio Banderas: " wassupbrad *cockbump*"

Ryan seacrest: "hey Shaq *cockbump* *cockbump*"

shaquille o'neal: "hey ryan *cockbump*"

Ryan seacrest: "OMG u broke it! call 911!!!1!!"

shaquille o'neal: "hello 911? Ryan Seacrest is gay, he cockbumped me twice consecutively! kbai"

See high-five, ryan seacrest, brad pitt, antonio banderas, shaquille o'neal, buddies, wassup


The manly act of two straight men bumping cocks in celebration, similar to a high-five.

No Homo.

We won the game! *cockbump*


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