
What is Cockcaine?


When a Wenchis giving you a job. When You About To Cum You Put That Shit In Her Nose Then Make Her Snort It...

Originated in Houston Texas When Joshua Del Rio

sucking Dick In The Bayou When The Man

ask ed him if he Wanted Cockcaine But He Misunderstood What He Said For Cocaine...he Said Yeah.

So the Man Came Up His Nose.

I Gave That Bitch Munchkin some of that Cockcaine.

When She Snorted that shit she Was tearing up then she sac Taped me.

See abashed, aberrant, abject, ablaze, able, abnormal, abominable, about, above, average, abrasive, absorbent, abstemious, abstract, absurd, lx, id, slide, 4, psp, ds, nintendo, sony, canon, camera, palm, laptop, verizon, lg, cingular, samsung, nike, adidas, converse, puma, jordan, dunk, air, ipod, shuffle, touch, video, nano, classic, iphone, hp, dell, panasonic, true religion, seven, antik, diesel, basketball, baseball, football, shoes, pioneer, sharp, sidekick, skii, two, 2, dos, nii, prepaid, plan, regular, ed, used, mint, cell, phone, device, phones, mobile, danger, very, frozen, ok, okay, kic, kik, money, prada, i710, nextel, motorola, blackberry, boost, battery, clip, holster, case, smartphone, razor, t-mobile, katana, l7, l2, sidekick lx


One who is so addicted to the male penis like it's a drug. A person said to be on cockcaine will try to get dick by any means neccesary including embarrasment or giving away their personal possesions.

I think Laura was on cockcaine or something...she wanted dick so bad she gave Eduardo the keys to her lexus and her ugz, which he later sold for staight up cash.

See slut, whore, cock smoker, god damn


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