
What is Cocked?




It's that little sound it makes when you load a gun or rifle.

I cocked my gun and was ready for action.


(used as a verb)

To surprise a un-suspected person with a view of your penis/cock/member/wang,etc.

|individual to be cocked|

(occupied by some other task) la la la.....


(Watching TV with penis exposed) " OMGcome here quick ... look who's on TV"

|individual to be cocked|

(comes rushing over) "Eeeeks !!! I see your penis !!!"

|prankster| " Hahahaha, I cocked yeh "

*Also works via MMS txt & email

See cocking, cocked, flashing, prank


Extreme Ownage or getting raped

I was playing UFC and knocked a guy out in 3 seconds. He got cocked.

See cock, cockage, owned, pwned, raped


Cock-ed kok-ed adjective - the act of putting cock sauce on anyone or anything.

Damn man, I just cocked all over her face.

Say something else and I'll cock you, woman.

See cock, cocking, cocked, sause, man


To cock someone is to telephone them, wait for them to answer, say or shout the word 'cock' and then hang up. When this happens, you have been 'cocked'. The practice was made popular in the UK by the hit comedy series ' The Office', in which the hapless Gareth would regularly be cocked by Tim and Dawn.

Nojworth: We haven't cocked Gary lately

MacDaddy: No, lets do it! (phones Gary)

Gary: (answers phone) Hello?

MacDaddy: COCK! (hangs up)

Nojworth and MacDaddy laugh hysterically

Gary: (annoyed) Great. I've just been cocked.

See cock, cocking, hilarious, the office, gareth


to have phone sex. It rhymes with talked. But it's no ordinary form of talking, it's phone sex. Hence, cocked.

"omg laur! i totally cocked with brandon last night! class with him tomorrow should be awkward"

See cock, cocking, cocked


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