
What is Cockfosters?


1. A termination point for the Picadilly Line tube in London.

2. A nutritious, if somewhat salty beverage designed to create excitement in the ladies. However, whilst Fosters is lager, Cockfosters is bitter!

Drink my Cockfosters!


1.A train station in london

2.A drink

in station in london

2.A drink

3.The act of stealing young badgers from their set, bringing them home and raising them as your own.

Lets take the train to cockfosters, call in at the pub for a quick cockfosters and then, when we're cockfostered off our faces, lets cockfoster off to sherwood forrest where we can cockfoster some badgers and cockfoster to the fostercock so we can cockfoster our cockfosters..... Cockfosters.

See train, london, drink, badgers, set


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