
What is Cockfuck?


A word that can be used in almost any circumstance or context. Like the word "fuck" itself. Simply put, a cool sounding word used to make fun of your buddy.

*ring, ring*

Steve: "Hello?"

Harv: "Steve, it's Harv, what's up?"

Steve: "Heyyy, what's up cockfuck?!"

See dickfuck, cockfag, asshat, tool, doorknob, bitchtits, cockgobbler, shitbitch, snagglefuck


someone who has sexual intercourse with a cock; a "snoodler"


1) To fuck a rooster (cock) with a penis. anyway will do, its up to you, as long as your wang (penis) goes in a hole and it ends in your enjoyment. or the roosters. whatever comes first. the rooster has to be alive or else it is called a "necro cockfuck."

2) a girl who has the "cockfuck mania" wants dick and she wants it now

3) an obscure so called payout, that has no offensive value to the person being called it, and really is only the mental graspings of a drunk or a grade 10 dropout trying to put 2 words together to make it stick.

Ben: "Hey jim wanna join me for alittle cockfuck?"

Jim: "only if that rooster is alive Ben, i don't do necro cockfucking."

"whoa that slut has the cockfuck mania, look shes even wacking off that pokie machine."

Drunk or year 10 dropout: "Hey you, you cockfuck!."

Dude: "What the hell did he just call me? get an education!"

See rooster, necro, drunk, pokie, education


1) To fuck a or a rooster (cock) with a penis. anyway will do, its up to you, as long as your wang goes in a hole and it ends in your enjoyment. or the roosters. whatever comes first. the rooster has to be alive or else it is called a "necro cockfuck."

2) a girl who has the "cockfuck mania" wants dick and she wants it now

3) an obscure so called payout, that has no offensive value to the person being called it, and really is only the mental graspings of a drunk or a grade10 dropout trying to put 2 words together to make it stick.

4) could of sworn it was a rapper or something

Ben: "Hey jim wanna join me for alittle cockfuck?"

Jim: "only if that rooster is alive Ben, i don't do necro cockfucking."

"whoa that slut has the cockfuck mania, look shes even wacking off that pokie machine."

Drunk or year10 dropout: "Hey you, you cockfuck!."

Dude: "What the hell did he just call me? get an education!"

"Hey this is MC Cockfuck, i think i exist and if i don't then what the hell are u doing listening to me?"

See mc, pokie, rooster


someone whos face looks like it was screwed and jabbed with a black guys horseknob

"Man, that Spicefuck guy looks like a cockfuck"


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