
What is Cockholster?


1) The mouth of any member of the female persuasion (women, homosexual males, etc.). (usually derrogatory)

2) any member of the female persuasion (women, homosexual males, etc.).

1) Hey, shut yer cockholster.

2) Hey, cockholster! Shut yer cockholster.


Having sex so much that there is a dick in you more often than anything else. It in there so much that you are really no more than a holster for someones cock.

I hear that she's a real slut, that cockholster.


A womens mouth.

Melissa has a nice Cockholster.


a womans mouth

shut your cock holster beeyotch!!

See Vig


a pussy, anything you can put a cock in

shut the fuck up you fucking cockholster!


the mouth of anyone, male or female, who consistently spews crap

You have no idea what you are babbling about. Shut your cockholster this minute.

See shut your mouth, cock, mouth, idiot, bullshit


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