
What is Cock-knocker?


one who llikes to go cock-knockin' ie, a male who prefers cock to pussy

or, in jest, a way of calling your friend an asshole

that guy's a total cock-knocker

man, you cock-knocker! where'd you score THAT? that shit is PROPERTY, man!

See celestia


1. A person, usually a male homosexual, who grabs or brushes up against the genitalia of men, in a playful or sexual way.

2. A woman who pleasures a man with her knockers, usually followed by having him ejaculate on her breasts and/or face.

1. That guy Jay grabbed Brodie's and TS's cock in Mallrats. What a cock-knocker.

2. Did you see that porno where Savannah cock-knocked a guy and he came all over her tits?

See asshole, cock tease, faggot, queer, slut



A gentleman who bangs at the back door

See that Elton John, he's a right cock-knocker.

See Kev


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