Cockmeat Sandwich

What is Cockmeat Sandwich?


A blowjob basically.

Big Bob's coming in to give you a cockmeat sandwich! Be prepared!

See cockmeat, sandwich, fellatio, blowjob, head


a blowjob

used in the 2008 movie

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

-big bob pulls down pants-

big bob:ready for your cockmeat sandwich?

kumar:i've never sucked a dick before.i bet it sucks dick!

See harold, and, kumar, escape, from, guantanamo, bay, cock, meat, sandwich, harold and kumar


It's a blowjob, but not just any typical blowjob. The main difference is that the blowjob is given by two people instead of just one. The two people acts like the two slices of bread while the reciever's cock is like the meat sandwiched between the two slices of bread. Thus, the name "cockmeat sandwich" and always involve at least 3 people.

From 2008 movie

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.

This term was used when Big Bob (a guard in Guantanamo Bay) asked Harold & Kumar to get hungry real fast and eat his cockmeat sandwich with extra mayo.

See cockmeat, sandwich, fellatio, blowjob, head, oral, copulation, suck, dick, cock, prick


a complementary snack usually offered by prison guards to inmates. this sandwich consists of a penis, two slices of brown wholemeal bread, and one leaf of lettuce, kindly prepared by the prison's guards themselves. if your lucky you could find extra mayo in your sandwich.

"ready for your cockmeat sandwich... i hope you like extra mayo!"

See cockmeat sandwich, sandwich, cock, prison, mayo, snack


someone that negatively comments everything and thinks he's the ish

Really Bob, you`re such a cockmeat sandwich.

See cool, mean, grumpy, negative, odd


A blowjob performed by dirty stupid terrorists that stink like two cunts

where two dirty taliban mother fuckers act as two slices of bread on either side of the cock. therefore making a dirty sandnigger cockmeat stinking sandwich

hey man i just got a dirty cockmeat sandwich from Osama and saddam fuck they stink like ass

See cock, meat, cockmeat, sandwich, terrorist


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