
What is Cocksmoker?


1. Somewhat derogatory name for a person with a penchant for giving head.

May also be used to describe someone particularly accomplished at it.

2. An insult for someone stupid/irritating/annoying/ (delete as appropriate), also brings the subjects sexuality into question (if male)

"Man, your sister is one hell of a cocksmoker"


A person who likes to use a cock as a cigarette.

Mom:"David where's your brother?"

David:"Oh, the cocksmoker is up in his room playing twister with his boyfriend."


(1) a guy who sucks cock

(2) an asshole; somebody who really gets you pissed off

(3) a jerk, a jerkoff

(1) That Alvin is a cocksmoker, he sucked Freddy off in the shower room after the game

(2) Buddy's a cocksmoker, I don't want to see his face this weekend.

(3) He's just a cocksmoker, a total jerkoff, he is.

See Jake


1.) One who fully shows the characteristics of a "smoker of cocks". More specifically, the term refers to one who's actions are considered "gay".

In practice, the following conditions could exist

a.) Party in question can figuratively act "gay".

b.) Party in question can literally act "gay".

Though the first scenario is most common, in either case, one can term the party that is acting "gay" as an official cocksmoker. One is not to take this lightly, as this is a harsh insult, but the sheer hilarity of the term may cause for all hostility to be swept under the tide of laughter that whilst ensue.

So dispite what some may say, this term can actually make you friends!


Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age

(in reference to a douche-bag at a concert)

"So next time you see this guy be like, 'Hey cocksmoker, go suck a bag of dicks!'"

See douchebag, gay, fagman, poopsmith, balls


loves the cock, and enjoys sucking on it

My friend Devon is such a cocksmoker!

See queer, fairy, homo, facial, devon


One who slices up another's penis, and proceeds to put it in a marijuana smoking pipe and smokes it.

Joey: "I'm gonna smoke your cock, bro. Becuase I'm a cocksmoker"

See cocksmoker, gay, cock, smoker


a guy who smokes cocks, particularily the guy in the white shit at the qotsa concert

Josh Homme: this guy is a total cocksmoker, i come here for 5 years and hes throwin shit at me, now its not me and you that know that you are a fuckin asshole, its everybody. so when you see mr cocksmoker here, tell him eat a bag of dicks.

See cocksmoker, bag of dicks, bag, dicks, cock, smoker


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