What is Codblocker?
Someone who gets in the way of someone hitting on/trying to get a number/trying to get some, to the point where anything the person was trying to do has been screwed up.
Larry and Tom are best friends.
Tom likes Lucy.
Tom:Hey Lucy, wanna go out tonight, maybe catch a movie?
Lucy:Sure. I'd love to see a movie.
Tom gets excited. Larry walks up.
Larry:Hey Tom, remember that time you got poo shoved in your face at James's camp..etc?
Tom:Ugh, yeah. Uh, Larry.. wanna go away?
Larry: Dude, what the hell's your problem? What you like this chick or something?
Lucy:Actually I made plans with Lauren, sorry, maybe some other time.
Tom:Larry, you fkn codblocker. I hate you.
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