Coffee Bean

What is Coffee Bean?


Small toddler of the African American descent. Usually hairless and of ambiguous nature. Always smiling ready to land every last dunk, and can pitch fits with power that squares the mighty force of a tsunami. They are frequently seen alone but often in pairs at either side of their guardian (eg: Grandma, Aunt Wanda, or various Foster Homes. They are the balance in life which creates vivid understanding of our future as humans. Especially when under the influence of drugs or alcohol these "coffee beans" can appear to be developing tools of nature.

1. Watch out! The Coffee Bean has made it to close to the train tracks!

2. Awww, that cute little coffee bean, its eyes light up like chocolate covered raisins.

3. It looks like shes gone and had another coffee bean.

4. Whats really in that coffee beans diaper?

5. Whats that coffee bean doing out after curfew?

6. Watch how quick that coffee bean scales those steps.

See black, black people, african americans, martin luther king, coffee


dipping your balls into a female's asshole and the female tastes it in her mouth... LMFAO

Steve coffee beaned her and she licked his balls

Ex. Columbian Coffee Beans - coffee beaning a girl from columbia (the finest beans!!)

See teabag, dirty sanchez, coffee, bean


The act of taking a crap in someones kettle, then boiling it.

Person 1: Dude this coffee tastes like shit

Person 2: Of course it does, i left a coffee bean in your kettle, why would you drink that you dumb fuck

Person 1: I was wondering what that smell in my kitchen for the last 3 days was

Person 2: Yer you should have smelt it when i first boiled it, i nearly died

See coffee, crap, shit, weirdo


originates from the humble teabag. however, instead of teabagging the girls mouth u put ur ass on her fore head and drop a poop nuget. no she has what looks like a coffee bean on her head.

"oh man u shld a seen this she was suckin ma balls and a went for it"

"a laid a coffee bean on her head!!!!!"

See la la


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