Coffee Ecstasy

What is Coffee Ecstasy?


The Most Sexy band on the face of the... Universe. And Sexy. And everyone in it is Sexy. And a pimp. If there was a word other than pimp that meant a pimp, it would be Coffee Ecstasy. Though that is 2 words. Shut up before I blind you with our sexy good looks.

SexyMan1: My favorite band is Coffee Ecstasy

SexyMan2: DAMN! They are so hot!

Carmen Electra: I made out with everyone in Coffee Ecstasy!

Jesus: I Heart Coffee Ecstasy!

Allah: Me 2!

Buddah: Fo Sho!

Ghaneesha: I love to look at their sexy tight buns.

See sexy, awesome, cool, pimpish, pimp, awesomeness, coolness, sexyness


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