
What is Coffin?


Like a casket but having 6 sides instead of 4. Where we all end up one day. AKA a pine box.

a coffin is the worst place for people who are claustrophobic.


0.25, 0.5, or 1mg xanax pills, which are shaped like oval "coffins" instead of "bars".

I just popped a couples coffins and I'm about ready to pass out.

See xanax, bars


A common name for the box Microsoftsends you to put your faulty Xbox 360in to return back for a fixed one. The Xbox 360 has been infamous with the Three red lightswhich signals hardware failure.

Joe: Dude, let's play the new game I got for the Xbox 360!

Jim: I can't, I'm still waiting for my coffin so I can get a working 360.

See xbox 360, microsoft, failure, bill gates, faulty


A regular automobile such as a Honda Accord or a Toyota Camry. The name refers not to the safety of the car but to the fact that the people driving them don't really live. They are already dead.

My mom wanted to buy a coffin but my dad would let her.

See honda, accord, toyota, camry, convertible, automobile, auto, car, sedan


A regular automobile such as a Honda Accord or a Toyota Camry. The name refers not to the safety of the car but to the fact that the people driving them don't really live. They are already dead.

My mom wanted to buy a coffin but my dad would let her.

See toyota, camry, honda, accord, convertible, car, automobile, auto


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