
What is Cohaagen?


A word that describes general negativity or displeasure. Made famous by the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Total Recall, in which the main enemy was Vilos Cohaagen. Used to lightly express one's dislike. Flexible usage.

This movie sucks. Pure Cohaagen.

That Thanksgiving turkey was rotten! It was a meal fit for Cohaagen.

Man, everything was going fine in this relationship until she got all Cohaagen over it.

See evil, nice, cack, good, cohagen


When you take a surgical tube, wrap it around your neck to cut off the air until your eyes bug out, then jerk off to completion.

GHAAAAHHHAAAAHHHHHGGGGAAAHHHHH!!! Whew, I just pulled a Cohaagen and now it's time to GIV ME DE AIR!!!

See cohaagen, total recall, choking, jerking, off


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