
What is Coins?


(n) (1) Paper (folding) money; currency.

(2) Money

(3) Wealth

Synonyms for coins:

accounts, aces, assets, bacon, bankroll, benjamins, bills, bling, bones, bread, bucks, bullets, cabbage, cache, cake, capital, cartwheels, case notes, cash, change, cheddar, cheese, chicamin, chips, clams, cocnuts, coin , coinage, corn, cornicupia, cucmbers, currency , dead presidents, dough, ducats, fat, federals,feta, fish, folding green, frogs, frogskins, fromage, funds, gigabucks, goodies, goods, gouda, graft, gravy, grease, green, green stuff, greenbacks, grubstake, guineas, haul, heap, hoard, holdings, ice, jack, jangle, jingle, kale, kitty, lettuce, lift, lolly, long green, loochie, loose change, loot, lucre, mad money, make, marigolds, mattress full, mazuma, means, megabucks, mintage, monkey, moola, motsa, nest egg, notes, nuts, milk, oscar, pap, paper, payola, pelf, pesos, piasters, pile, plums, plunder, pockets, pony, poppy, pork, pot, potatos, quids, rack, receipts, rent money, renumeration, resources, rhinos, rivets, rock, roll, salt, Santa Claus, scratch, scrilla, scrip, sheckels, shrapnel, silver, simoleon, skins, smackeroos, smackers, sock, specie, spondulicks, stake, stash, stockpile, store, stuff, sugar, swag, sweetener, take, tender, tribute, trove, velvet, victuals, wad, wallet, wampum, wherewithal, wonga, yellowbacks, yield, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$

See currency, dead presidents, dough, ducats


More than one coin. A form of currency. Usually representing the smaller sums of money. Traditionally made with metals and in a circular shape. Usually, the larger the coin, the more money it is worth.

I have too many coins in my pocket.

See penny, change, coin, mint, nickel, metal, bill, dollar, lincoln


Money...can be used as describing loose change or bills.

Girl;Dad don't forget to leave my coins on the table before you leave!


Money that is made for yor prostitual services

Jacoria: Shaterica girl where you made all them coins at?

Shaterica: On da stroll!


Cool, inner calm and understanding.

He's finally got Quan.

(NB Coins, but said with a French accent)

See quan, understanding, calm, ability, prospects


Best person you will ever find on Swift.IRC often in channels #rspc-staff, #rs and #Coins.. Hates azns with small penises and gives better Huggles than KingTrunks

tbh (to be honest).

!k Leaf Narb(requested By Coins <3)

See coins, irc, cool, yay, wdf, hax


Soemone with an unbelievably strong tullow accent that regularly makes incredibly stupid statements. Like I saw this its about Hitler & Did you come out that way

"Tim pass the Coiiiiiins!" said Keogh


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