
What is Coit?


An Australian slang term for the human sphincter or "asshole".

James! do your homework!

Suck my coit mum!


Australian slang for assehole

get off your fat coit and get me a beer. I can't I'm too pissed.

See date, arse, ring, butthole, freckle


Ausralian slang for anus or vagina.

Mum pull your finger out ya coit

See coit, aussie, slang, australia, anus, vagina


short for 'coitis' (sexual intercourse)

"see that chick over on the couch, we're going to coit later"


A word meaning 'Coat', From Yorkshire I think.

'Giz me coit'. Meaning 'Give me my coat'.

See coat, coats, jacket


n. A derogatory term for heterosexuals. Derived from the word coitus

Dude, that was so coit!


Sorry man, didn't think you were such a coit about that.

See heterosexual, homosexual, gay, fag, stright, sex, sodomy


male whore

He was a total coit to hook up with all of those girls.


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