Coitus Interruptus

What is Coitus Interruptus?


sexual practice in which the penis is withdrawn prior to ejaculation to prevent the deposit of sperm into the vagina

my girlfriend sprang coitus interruptus on me the other night when she was riding me cowgirl style and i ended up with a belly full of sperm.

See hal


In Latin a form of birth control, the deliberate withdrawal of the penis from the vagina at the point of orgasm to prevent conception.

The practice predates the invention of condoms and was messy as the female's stomach was sprayed with sperm.

Caesar's sperm was spilled on Cleopatra's belly when he ejected his penis at orgasm.


latin- the act of removing the penis from the vagina right before ejaculation commences

Last night i was tappin my girlfriend raw and i pulled a coitus interruptus and busted a nut all up over her piece.


to disturb/disrupt two people having sex, thereby stopping them from doing so. Generally with some sort of reason.

"Where did Alex put the keys to the car?"

"I dont know, go ask him."

"i cant, hes banging his gf"

"Guess you'll just have to go Coitus interruptus them"

See bastard


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