
What is Cokewhore?


An unemployed, uneducated, ugly, fat girl from the ghetto who wishes she lived in upper st clair. To cover up her misery, she does pills, drinks, and does coke all day long in front of her illegitimate sons. She has never been married, and she thinks Europe is a country. She still lives with her parents because she can't get a decent job. She beats her kids and swears in front of them. It won't be long til CYS takes them from her because she is an unfit mother.

Thank God we live in Upper St. Clair and aren't surrounded by cokewhores from the Sheraden ghetto. AND If I wasn't such a cokewhore, maybe I could have a great relationship with my ex like Christy does. AND I wish I was as skinny and pretty as Christy, but I'm just a useless cokewhore who is a cokewhore and a bad parent.

See coke, whore, cokewhore, cokehead, coke fiend


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