
What is Colb?


This name was originally derived from the the name Colbert. He was deemed awesome, sexy, and elite (or leet). Read on for true definitions:

1. A name given to one who in time has become a L337 h4x0r of life and or the game of Counter-Strike.

Any person given this name is also well known for thier sexyness, and tend to have thier way with the lady friend.

2. The sexiest, leetest, coolest player to ever hit the Counter-Strike community. From Oklahoma.

"I wish I could be a Colb...I'd be gettin' all the ladies!"

"Look, it's the Colb! OMG HAX!"


1.) Noun: Short for the name Colbert, a character on the TNT comics.

2.) Noun: Synonym for "ultimate emo."

3.) Verb: To cut one's wrist.

Kid 1: <slits wrist>

Kid 2: "Lol, looks you pulled a colb!"

See emo, character, comic, colbert


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