Cold Sore

What is Cold Sore?


A type of facial sore that's found either on the lips or on the skin near the mouth. Caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, not the HSV2, which is typically known as genital herpes.

"hey, i have a fever blister!"

"you have a what?"

"a cold sore, it's the same thing. i need some Abreva."

"oh, you card!"


1. A disease or individual you treat as an infection. Someone regarded as a pest, inferior being or boring/annoying.

2. Someone who has cold sores on their face.

1. Dude, youre such a cold sore, just go away. 'Youre bugging me'

2. Ew, did you see that cold sore Vitale had on his face? Why are you talking to him!!!!

See cold, sore, herpes


The polite word people use when they try and tell someone that they have Herpes

"I was wiping my ass the other day and I found a cold sore right in the crack"

See Jersey


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