
What is Coldfusion?


An exercise in futility, self-flagellation, and 80s era technologies. ColdFusion is so bad that it has become synonymous with cryptic error codes, mysterious memory leaks, and asinine programing constructs.

I tried integrating that new API, but it coldfusions all the time so I replaced it.

The servers are coldfusioning again. I'll go restart them.

A: Where is the #$%#ing leak? B: Coldfusion.

See code, broken, stupid, ancient


An exercise in futility, self-flagellation, and 80s era technologies. ColdFusion is so bad that it has become synonymous with cryptic error codes, mysterious memory leaks, and asinine programing constructs.

I tried integrating that new API, but it coldfusions all the time so I replaced it.

The servers are coldfusioning again. I'll go restart them.

A: Where is the #$%#ing leak? B: Coldfusion.

See cold fusion, expensive, script


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