
What is Colding?


Putting one's freezing cold hands or feet on someone else in order to make them colder, too

Hey, stop colding me with your frozen hands just because I'm warmer than you.

See frozen, freezing


giving one the cold shoulder, ignoring one, leaving one hanging.

i was gonna hang out with this chick tonight but she's been colding me

See hating, colden, ditching


"colding someone out" is the act of stealing the covers off your just used lover to let them know you have finished.

Thanks love go clean your self up, im off to sleep so im colding you out

See colding


Putting one's freezing cold hands or feet on someone else in order to make them colder, too

Hey, stop colding me with your frozen hands just because I'm warmer than you.

See frozen, freezing


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