
What is Cole?


The hottest guy livin

See idk


The most amazing guy ever. Easily could be the love of your life. Everyone falls for him but no one else can have him. Also very handsome. Just absolutely stunning in every way possible.

Cole, you are absolutely amazing. You are the love of my life. You are the reason for the smile on my face.

See amazing, love of my life, stunning, handsome, sexy


1. n; the onomatopoeic sound effect of bouncing boobs.

2. v; the act of boobs (or the owner of said boobs) creating this sound by bouncing.

1. i could recognize that cole a mile away

2. so jenna jameson comes coleing up to me, right?..

See cole, awsome, sex, fuck, boobs


The most amazing boy on Earth. Very easy to fall in love with. Very loveable. Has the most amazing green eyes ever.

He can be a jerk, but then he turns that around. He steals your heart to quickly it makes your head spin around.


That other boy could never be like Cole.

See love, handsome, cutie, lover


A shifty keebler elf that has red hair and is best friends with a homosexual ghost.

In his futbol game, Cole was as shifty as a keebler elf.

See keebler, keebler elf, shifty, cole, red, hair, homosexual


The most amazing man in the world, one day he might ignore you and the next he'll act like you guys are dating and have known each other since the beginning of time. He is extremely althetic and charming in every way, but never worry he will never be a player he will pick the one he wants and forever worship her. He is very smart and also very funny. He'll do anything for his lady friends. but sorry ladies he usually falls for Jordans(girl) and other girls that aren't stuck up anorexic hoes. He doesn't like to rush relationships and likes to take his time with girls he hates rushing right into the first kiss

"look at the guy over there.."

"I know total hottie and very althetic"

"Must be a cole..."

See hottie, jordan, anorexic, hoes, amazing


Cole, I love you. I know you go on this site sometimes, so I decided to post under your name. Hope you actually see this. :P


Coolest guy ever. He's nice when he wants to be, but if he goes to bed at 1am and wakes up at 5am, stay away. He's always busy, and hardly ever has time to hang out with mee :(. But I'll wait for you. ^_^ He's MINE by the way, and no, you can't have him. :)

Cole ~ you really are the best thing that ever happened to me.

See i, love, you, so, much, cole


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