Colin Rhodes

What is Colin Rhodes?


he is a spastic colon, and a douchebag. lolz

haha collin


Wicked Kid That I Know!!!

Also known as Spaztic Colin

Spaztic Colin Is The Shiznitz


I know that kid! hes a fucking jackass! j/k hes awesome! I see him pwning people on the net all the time.

Colin - owns - all - internet

See Rick James


A l33t PWNER from Arizona...

Born in 88' He dissapeared into a cyber cafe network, and hasnt been seen since.. You can still find him PWNING peeps in chat rooms and games... Watch out!

Boom ... your dead... Easy as that...


A turd licking baby eating fuck up cunt bag hoebag pussy whipped hoelicking whore house son of a bitch crack whore crack baby fuckin shit eating fuck ass bitch.

The spaztic colon is molesting little 3rd grade boys again.

See 1337


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