What is Colita?
The word colita means literally, "Little Tail".
In the song, "Hotel California", the Eagles band is referring to, "the warm smell of Colitas rising up though the air". In this sense, the Little Tails, or tips of the marijuana plant, and of course the most potent part.
I hava also heard the term colita reference a person's butt or a woman's private parts.
Smoking the colitas!
Move your Colita.
Small bud on a marijuana plant
warm smell of colitas rising in the air
Your ass.
A muver la colita!
A rhesus monkey colony in Arizona.
Sam was eaten by the monkeys at Colita.
The Grand Central Station of the people. One who is good at both relaxing and partying. Also, founder of Pepsi-Colie.
Person A: Hey, do you know Colita?
Person B: Who?
Person A: You're not cool.
Person C: Woot!